There’s A Hero Lies In You
Songs are not just for fun, they can inspire you to love and believe in yourself. Just like "Hero" by Mariah Carey will remind you that There’s A Hero Lies In You.
Songs are not just for fun, they can inspire you to love and believe in yourself. Just like "Hero" by Mariah Carey will remind you that There’s A Hero Lies In You.
Check out the lyrics here. During the song, you would feel like Christina got your back! Let her show you how to trust the voice within you.
Life usually distracts us from our dreams, I guess it is because most of us were raised with norms, rule, etc. Here are 5 success stories to prove to wrong!
Sometimes things happened and we get upset, but if pay attention we can find beautiful reasons around us. Sometimes, one hug, one word can change a lot.
Everything happens for a reason. I believe that motto strongly. And if I may add, that everything happens for a GOOD reason.
whether you've tried it before or note, you better learn how to do it properly. Because you actually can turn your thoughts into money.