Romit Ron's


Everything Happens For A Reason

Part Of The Plan

Part Of The Plan

Everything Happens For A Reason

Everything happens for a reason. I believe that motto strongly. And if I may add, that everything happens for a GOOD reason. For example, before I’ve started blogging I had a lot of obstacles on my way, a lot of things I’ve tried that didn’t work out as I planned. Oprah Winfrey once said, “I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it”. Well It took me a long time to actually start blogging, but I did it. Though at the time I couldn’t see how it all will fall into place like this. Today I know, today I feel exactly why these things had happened. I guess sometimes it takes a wrong turn to get you to the right place.

During life we go through many challenging periods, at some of them, we adopt new beliefs, in others, we build new character traits and sometimes we “just” learn what is good for us and what’s not. All these experiences give us meaningful values to guide us and actually make us able to go through the next chapter in life.

That’s how you make it different

I know that at the time when you are struggling with something in life, it’s hard to see it. Especially if things get a little bit overwhelming, and people are letting you down or you just can’t pull yourself together. I get it. It can be a hell of a challenge.
But still, I wanna ask you to see it differently. At least I’m gonna offer this, Trust. Trust the universe. Trust that this annoying situation that you’re dealing with right now it’s for the best. Trust that in these rough times you’re about to learn something about yourself. Trust that this thing is happening to either teach you a lesson or to lift you higher. Either way, it’s for your own good.

Whatever it is that is going on right now in your life it is gonna be OKAY. Because it has to. Remember that the world is all about your own good. God loves you and wants the best for you. So trust the universe’s, god’s reasons. You’ll get it one day. Until then, enjoy the ride and trust with a smile. I promise once you give your trust in the world the whole journey would be so much easier.

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Besides my love for writing, I have been a content creator for digital and social media experts in many fields since 2017.

Contact me today and let’s make some magic 

All Rights Reserved @  2018 Romit Gefen Ron