You don’t know what you want?
Don’t know how to get what you want?
No worries, I got an answer..
Finding what you want feels like finding a needle in a haystack—or, as I see it, finding a diamond in a haystack. If you’re not focused, feeling bad, feeling frustrated, and worrying all the time, it would be exactly like that.
But if you are fully in sync with your true self, focus on what feels good to you, and trust the universe to hear you even when it doesn’t sometimes, it can be so easy!
You would see it as a shiny diamond on top of the pile. More than that, you would find new stuff that feels really good without thinking about it. I felt a little lost in the past few weeks. And that’s an understatement.
I had to get a new apartment that I actually liked and, most importantly, affordable. See how I can pay for my car for the following month. And on top of that find a different job, that I had no idea which I want to cause all I wanna do is write and work on my shit you know.
I’ve already regretted some decisions this past month, and it wasn’t easy for me to focus again.
At that point, I decided on my current apartment, that I got a few days ago. It was the wrong one. That’s no surprise; well, you know the drill: when you’re not focused and feeling uncomfortable with your moves in life, you can not attract anything different than that.

But that experience got me right back to me. I knew on the first night it was not what I wanted, and normally, it takes me so long to act on something uncomfortable for me because I always think about the other person as well. Not this time. I’ve realized I have to put myself first, respectfully always, but if I don’t stand up for myself, nobody will.
Two days later I told the owner I don’t wanna stay, she said I gotta stay till the end of the month, so I told my self whatever, I’ll get my shit together till the end of the month and I’m good. Honestly, after that I’ve started to feel much better at this apartment, I guess it’s because I felt more connected to myself and I felt like I actually have my back for the first time in a while. On that day things already started to happen. Everything just felt way more relaxing and possible.
This situation was at the beginning of this month (Nov). Since that day so much had happened that you don’t even know. I got some great job opportunities that I wasn’t even thinking about. I had so many options for apartments, but I haven’t found what I want, but we’ll get there. So much other stuff happened as well, but that’s for another day;).
My point is, the moment I chose myself, I chose to be my own guard, the universe had my back and did the rest. I realized that when I trust him, things always work out. We do not need to know exactly what we want or how to get what we want. We just need to find the courage to ask for more from the universe and trust without letting any situation affect us badly. That’s where the universe feels me and start to show me all those beautiful diamonds I wasn’t even considered before.
Needless to say, trust yourself, guys! Love yourself and know your worth. When you do that, trust me, the universe will be there with you. He’s just waiting for you to know your worth because he already knows what you want.
God damn it! I love my life!
I’d love to hear about something similar that happened to you. When you trusted and valued yourself for more and the universe just brought it to you.