3 Steps To Make Life Decisions Easier
During life we have to make many life decisions that affect us a lot, sometimes they even turn to be a true life-changer. There is always a big dilemma when we’re dealing with a turning point situation, a serious life decision, and not always it’s that easy for us to know what’s the right decision. If so, how could we know if we made the right decision and haven’t lost a great chance? Genuinely, we can’t. Things happen, and we can’t speculate on what if and know for sure what could have happened, because well, we’re not God.
But! We definitely can make our best to pick the best choice that would feel THE best to us.
The way I see it, of course, there are some things that in real life would feel to us better than others, and yes, some moves we would take can lead us to better places, but when you understand that it’s never over and the most important thing is to feel good about yourself and your choices, then no matter which road you take as long as you feel good about it and you stand by it, then you’ve made the right decision, for you.
Now you may say, yeah that’s sounds great but how would I actually feel good and at peace with it when I’m really not? How could I quiet my mind from all those speculations and make any choice at all? Well, I’m glad you asked.
To be honest, I’m the master of overthinking, ask any friend of mine and he will confirm that. That’s still one of the things I work really hard with my self. When it comes to making decisions in life the (bad) habit of overthinking shows up again and I can make speculations for hours. In fact, making decisions was one of the hardest things for me to do. However, because I acknowledge that I had to figure out a way to do that without wasting so much time, and more importantly, so much energy.
1. Listen to your heart.
First of all, and I would guess you’ve already heard it before, listen to your heart. I really mean it. When we get caught up in our overthinking automatically our hearts get a smaller place in the decision. We can’t listen to our brains and our heart simultaneously. So, take some time to quiet your mind and let it go for a while. And by a while, I mean a day or two (if you can a week it’s perfect). Direct your attention to how you feel and do your best to find the greatest feelings. Appreciation can help with that ;). Make your heart more confident to show you what he really wants. Your heart, your guts, or however you wanna call it, is never wrong. That’s the real you speaking up. Following your gut not always is enough to make you feel complete with your decision at the beginning. And that’s fine.

2. Pros and Cons of the main goal.
I know sometimes following your heart can make you feel a little bit anxious, and that’s fine! it takes time to learn how to trust your guts better. If you still feel not sure there’s one more thing you can add to it. Seek for the best option that matches your goals. If so take a pen and paper and write down your goals, what are the things that are super important for you to achieve in the long term and then in the short term. Then in another paper write the benefits and the obstacles that can be in each option.
Now choose the most beneficial option for you to get closer, and in a smarter way to your goals. In most cases, it’ll match your heart decision, well because the heart knows exactly what you need. If not, make sure you were honest with your self this all proses.
3. Believe in it, Own it, Go for it!
Now when you’ve made up your mind, and you made a decision (Yayy), there is one last thing that I would recommend you to do. The most important part for me. Feel 100% at peace with it, be proud of yourself you’ve made this decision, and stand by it all the way!. If you really had listened to your heart then no regrets needed!
Once you get that and practice, it will become easier every time and for sure it would save you a lot of time and energy. Promise!. Remember that the power is in your hands, anytime you want you can make a new decision. Even if that wasn’t the “best” decision to make in the long term, I believe that it still is. Because at that moment when you made the decision, it was the best you knew at that time, and that’s Okay! And you can feel doubtless that it was necessary for your journey and your growth. Everything happens for a reason.
Good luck guys!
If you hav any questions or experiences to share I’m here for it.
Feel free to comment below!