I just went out of a meeting about a new job and headed to see an apartment in the area. And that happened. The car went totally lost. Thank god I’m ok and the other lady. I only broke a nail. Don’t laugh about it, it really hurts. Well, I know it’s funny but seriously stop. Are you done? Good.
However right when the car stopped, I was in shock. I even haven’t noticed that the airbag didn’t even open. Therefore, I’m even more grateful that I’m okay and that god really saved me.
Before the accident I was driving listening to Ariana’s song Sweetener, I can’t stop listening to Ariana these days. Anyway, I was singing and thinking about what should I do next in my life so I’ll make 2019 start off on the right foot. The meeting I was at was really good. We talked a lot about positive thinking and I told them about my blog and told them about one of my posts as an example of what I’m passionate about. When the accident happened, and I got back to breathe properly I couldn’t help but think about what’s the reason for it? Where are the positive sights in this situation? Cause I believe there’s always some. Well, I honestly don’t know. I always try to find a reason for whatever that happens to me. This time I just couldn’t. At least not right now.
When that happened, my bestie, Shoshana, just called me without knowing what just happened, right on time. Yeah, we got that connection I just can’t explain. Anyway, she said to me “I know it’s hard to see it now, but it’s all for the best, even if you can’t see it now. I’m sure you were saved from a way worse thing then that”. That’s exactly what I’d say if it was the other way around. Yes, I chose my friends very carefully;).
Ok, back to the story. So the car was towed and I’m sure yet how much this all thing gonna cost. FYI I’m still not sure where I’m gonna live in the next few days and what’s gonna happen with the car. But you know, as I’m writing this, I feel better.
Yes, this situation right now sounds too familiar to past experiences of mine. But with that being said. Every time I get through something like that, I get closer to what I want. And every time, the universe and I find a way to work together to get through every abstract that comes our way. So as we will do in this situation.
In situations like this, I ask myself one thing ( except what’s the reason lol) I have two choices. Either I drown myself in tears feeling bad and frustrated, or I force myself to smile even if I can’t see the reason, I cry a bit to let loose for a little bit but trusting knowing it’s all gonna be just great. Now, I’ve promised myself to be honest in my blog, so to keep it real with you, all I want to do is sit and cry for days. Cause as for as right now, I have no idea what to do next. But I know that this would lead me nowhere. So option B here I come ;).
I just left a meeting about a new job and headed to see an apartment in the area. And that happened. The car went lost. Thank god I’m ok, and the other lady. I only broke a nail. Don’t laugh about it, it hurts. Well, I know it’s funny, but seriously, stop. Are you done? Good.
However, right when the car stopped, I was in shock. I even didn’t notice that the airbag didn’t open. Therefore, I’m even more grateful that I’m okay and that God really saved me.
Before the accident, I was driving and listening to Ariana’s song Sweetener; I can’t stop listening to Ariana these days. Anyway, I was singing and thinking about what I should do next in my life, so I’ll make 2019 start off on the right foot. I had a great meeting. We talked a lot about positive thinking, and I told them about my blog and one of my posts as an example of what I’m passionate about. When the accident happened, and I got back to breathe correctly, I couldn’t help but think about what’s the reason for it. Where are the joyous sights in this situation? Cause I believe there’s always some. Well, I honestly don’t know. I always try to find a reason for whatever that happens to me. This time, I just couldn’t. At least not right now.

When that happened, my bestie, Shoshana, just called me without knowing what just happened, right on time. Yeah, we got that connection I just can’t explain. Anyway, she said to me “I know it’s hard to see it now, but it’s all for the best, even if you can’t see it now. I’m sure you were saved from a way worse thing then that”. That’s exactly what I’d say if it were the other way around. Yes, I chose my friends very carefully;).
Okay, back to the story. So the car was towed, and I’m not sure yet how much this will cost. FYI, I’m still not sure where I’m going to live in the next few days or what’s going to happen with the car. But you know, as I’m writing this, I feel better.
Yes, this situation right now sounds too familiar to past experiences of mine. But with that being said. Every time I get through something like that, I get closer to what I want. And every time, the universe and I find a way to work together to get through every abstract that comes our way. So as we will do in this situation.
In situations like this, I ask myself one thing ( except what’s the reason lol) I have two choices. Either I drown myself in tears feeling bad and frustrated, or I force myself to smile even if I can’t see the reason, I cry a bit to let loose for a little bit but trusting knowing it’s all gonna be just great. Now, I’ve promised myself to be honest in my blog, so to keep it real with you, all I want to do is sit and cry for days. Cause as for as right now, I have no idea what to do next. But I know that this would lead me nowhere. So option B here I come ;).