Romit Ron

The Blog 

why have I started my blog?

January 1, 2018

Once Upon A Time…

Then how have I came up with this idea of blogging?! It depended on several things simultaneously. Almost a year ago I came back to Israel my home country from two years aboard in LA, my born town. When I got here I came with a decision to start my own career and thrive. Things went a little bit differently. Since I came here I’ve tried to find a job with my communications degree, a grown-up kind of job. Long story short, almost 9 months of searches ended up to no avail. This period got me losing my mind. I felt so lost, stuck, unhappy and really lost my mind trying to pull one thing that I love doing out of the jar of those that I have and do something about it, well cause I can not work, you know.

I’ve been writing for a long time, ever since I can remember. In the last 3 years, I’ve been reading books, studying, watching and listening to many inspirational empowering leaders, which leads me to focus on myself and my growth. The idea of having a blog I had for a few years now, and I’ve been writing for longer than that, in fact ever since I can remember. However, I had such anxiety about letting these stuff out.

Genuinely I’m a big believer in the quote “if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”- Marc Anthony. And I LOVE writing and engaging with positivity in all ways, so for once in my life I’ve decided to go for it! To have the courage to actually do it, and leave all the voices around trying to push me into a “real career”, 9-5 responsible kind of job. Of course, it’s a process and it takes time till I can actually finance myself with my dreams only, but that’s definitely the first step and this journey excite me a lot!

I was so lucky to grow up and raised by my extraordinary mom. Since I can remember she nurture us, me and my sister, with positive thinking and looking on the bright side of life in any case. And that’s a blessing, that’s how my brain works, of course, I have my moments but always getting back on my feet. Positivity and empowerment are things that I always felt fascinated by, and I suppose (I know;) I was attracting so many beautiful experiences and people into my life because of that. I believe that with a positive mind you can achieve all your dreams. So it was obvious to me what I would write about.

Last moment of honesty. it took me a while to follow my genuine dreams and on this blog, my intent is to truly help you realize yourself and follow your own path. So feel free to contact me and comment on the posts and let’s do it together and win over all of our goals. I’m here to be your friend on this journey, and of course share mine with you guys 😊